The Louisville Sustainability Fund offers grants to support innovative, entrepreneurial projects and programs to plan for the impact of climate change on our most vulnerable citizens, while supporting community equity and resilience.
2024 Grant Cycle Awardees
In 2024, we received more than 30 applications for over $73,000 in requested funding, showing the enormous need in our community for individuals and organizations doing climate, equity, and resilience work. These organizations each received a portion of $28,000 awarded by the Louisville Sustainability Council in 2024.
The 2024 application window will open on April 2, 2024 and close May 31, 2024. Grant recipients will be notified of their award by July 1, 2024.
Applicants may request a minimum of $250, and up to $2,500 in funding.
A single applicant may submit no more than two applications in a calendar year.
Any individual or company whether with one single company or with multiple companies, may be awarded no more than $10,000 in total support through the Louisville Sustainability Fund combined for the lifetime of their program usage.
Anyone in the Louisville Metro area may apply, including educational institutions and non-profit organizations.
Each submitted program or project must directly align with the mission of the Louisville Sustainability Council.
The proposed activities must largely take place in the greater Louisville Metropolitan Statistical Area. In an effort to align with the Justice 40 Initiative, we intend to allocate 40% of funds to Environmental Justice areas in the MSA.
Applicants must complete the application by the deadline, including proposed project budget and timeline. Our goal is to be able to fund a complete project or provide a match for less than 50% of a project to ensure its completion.
We support projects with a mission to reflect the vision and mission of the LSC.
Awardees will have access to LSC events, programs, mentors and the opportunity to partner their work with the LSC initiatives and partners. More details on these opportunities will be shared with all grant awardees.
Grant funds may be used for costs associated with developing and implementing the proposed project or program including research costs, materials, equipment, signage, outreach/education, event space rental fees, event marketing/promotion, professional services and new personnel (consultants, contractors, or staff that will dedicate additional hours to the proposed project).
All submissions must be made through our online portal. If any hardship prevents the use of the online portal, please email us to make alternative submission arrangements.
All submitted applications will be treated confidentially.The Selection Committee consists of at least three members of the LSC Board of Directors and volunteers from community organizations.
Applicants will be notified via e-mail of funding decisions.
If a grant is offered and accepted, both parties will sign a written agreement that defines the terms and conditions for the award. This will include in agreement to hold the Louisville Sustainability Council, its Board of Directors, its employees and volunteers harmless. Grants are to be utilized for the awarded proposal.
Disbursement of funds
Initially, fifty percent of the funding amount will be disbursed to the entity. Following a report of use, the remaining funds will be made available to the entity. The report shall be sent to
The report shall include how the funds were used, current stage of the project, and impact related to the proposal. Please provide data and/or images of activities as available.
Participate in good faith as requested by the LSC in activities designed to encourage others in the region to pursue similar efforts. This participation may include serving as a speaker or panel discussion member at an organized event or providing interviews for published informational or instructional materials.
Provide a final summary of project achievements to be eligible for subsequent funding.

2024 Louisville Sustainability Fund Sponsors