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Green Drinks

  • Falls City Community BikeWorks 1217 Logan Street Louisville, KY, 40204 United States (map)

LSC is bringing you March Green Drinks with Falls City Community BikeWorks (FCCB) on March 15th!

FCCB is a non-profit community bike shop in Louisville that’s open to the public and offers bikes, tools, parts, and volunteers who can teach you how to repair or upgrade your bike. This Green Drinks, we’ll learn more about FCCB’s operations, as well as how you can become a member so you can work on your own bike!

Head to FCCB at 1217 Logan St. on the 15th at 6:00 pm EST. If you’re over the age of 21, the after-party will take place at Canary Club on 1247 S. Shelby St.!

March 4

Discovering the Mind-Body Connection

March 22

Louisville Seedbank Community Seed Swap