Green Convene
In previous years, the LSC used quarterly Green Convene events as a space to provide specific topic-based workshops and education with themes spanning sustainable lawn care, solar installation, business footprint, and greening spaces. This year, we are focusing on collective impact in the community - using Green Convene as a catalyst for collaboration, partnership, and expansion. Whether you’re a small business, non-profit organization, educational system, or large corporation, we believe we are better together. These sessions will provide space for local community warriors to come together, brainstorm, network, and expand on all things sustainable.
Volunteer Fair, August 19, 2023 at Waterfront Park Brown-Forman Ampitheatre
Volunteer Fair, August 20, 2022 at Waterfront Park Swing Garden
How to Advocate for Sustainability In Louisville: Weeds Ordinance, 2022 - Watch Now!
How can a city achieve a 100% Renewable Energy goal?, 2021 - Watch Now!
Commercial Energy Assessments & Efficiency Project Financing, 2021 - Watch Now!
Kilowatt Crackdown Awards, 2020 - Watch Now!
Here Comes the Sun, 2020 - Watch Now!
Out in the Yard, 2020 - Watch Now!